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The handbook contains physical-chemical property data from peer-reviewed journals and other valuable sources on over 1200 chemicals of environmental concern. The handbook contains new data on the temperature dependence of selected physical-chemical properties, which allows scientists and engineers to perform better chemical assessments for climatic conditions outside the 20–25-degree range for which property values are generally reported. |
The handbook contains physical-chemical property data from peer-reviewed journals and other valuable sources on over 1200 chemicals of environmental concern. The handbook contains new data on the temperature dependence of selected physical-chemical properties, which allows scientists and engineers to perform better chemical assessments for climatic conditions outside the 20–25-degree range for which property values are generally reported. |
The handbook contains physical-chemical property data from peer-reviewed journals and other valuable sources on over 1200 chemicals of environmental concern. The handbook contains new data on the temperature dependence of selected physical-chemical properties, which allows scientists and engineers to perform better chemical assessments for climatic conditions outside the 20–25-degree range for which property values are generally reported. |
The handbook contains physical-chemical property data from peer-reviewed journals and other valuable sources on over 1200 chemicals of environmental concern. The handbook contains new data on the temperature dependence of selected physical-chemical properties, which allows scientists and engineers to perform better chemical assessments for climatic conditions outside the 20–25-degree range for which property values are generally reported. |
This book presents a collection of the properties of 72 solvents commonly used in industry. These properties indicate the suitability of solvents answering the questions: Will it do the job? Will it harm the user? Will it pollute the air? Is it easy to handle? These are factors which need to be considered in the early stages of choosing a solvent for a new product or process and are therefore the information required by a development chemist or chemical engineer as well as by those working in the field of controlling pollution arising from VOCs. An excellent cross-referencing resource. Each solvent is fully cross-referenced. |
This world-famous classic provides you with unrivaled, state-of-the art coverage of all aspects of chemical engineering, from the fundamentals to details on computer applications and control. Definitive reference for chemical and process engineers. |
This classic reference covers the entire field of chemistry with state-of-the-art facts, figures, values, tables and formulas. It is an essential source for all chemistry professionals. |
Researchers depend on having access to authoritative, up-to-date data, and for more than 90 years they have depended on this handbook. This edition includes new tables and substantial revisions to ten sections |
Химическая энциклопедия представляет собой научно-справочный документ по химии и химической технологии, рассчитанный на широкий круг химиков - научных работников, инженеров, преподавателей вузов, техникумов, средней школы, аспирантов, студентов. Здесь найдут полезные сведения также специалисты смежных специальностей - физики, биологи, геологи, работники сельского хозяйства. |
Химическая энциклопедия представляет собой научно-справочный документ по химии и химической технологии, рассчитанный на широкий круг химиков - научных работников, инженеров, преподавателей вузов, техникумов, средней школы, аспирантов, студентов. Здесь найдут полезные сведения также специалисты смежных специальностей - физики, биологи, геологи, работники сельского хозяйства. |
Цитата секунды
Человек в лучшем случае живет лет семьдесят-восемьдесят. Человек рождается, обучается всему необходимому и какое-то время этим пользуется. Мы набираемся ума, растем, взрослеем, а потом наступает старость. И как раз когда мы начали что-то понимать, когда мы вот-вот ухватили что-то очень важное, как раз тогда нам уже не дано сил этим воспользоваться.
Эрленд Лу, «Во власти женщины»
5 семестр